Save yourself some mula when you join us for special deals on Awa & Kra’ tea drinks. Excludes mixed drinks.
Half off cold Kra'Tea Drinks 5-9pm
Two for one Awa singles & doubles 5-9pm
Half off Single & Double Awa's all day long.
Half off Single & Double Awa & cold Kra'tea from 12pm to 4pm.
Half off Kra'Teas 12pm - 4pm
Half off Awa singles & doubles 12pm - 4pm
We have a wide selection of retail items including Kra’tea, Awa & Vape Supplies!
Save yourself some mula when you join us for special deals on Awa & Kra’tea drinks. Excludes mixed drinks.
We have a wide selection of retail items including Kra’tea, Awa & Vape Supplies!
Save yourself some mula when you join us for special deals on Awa & Kra’tea drinks. Excludes mixed drinks.